Wellness can’t be imposed or mandated, only encouraged, and fostered.
You have probably heard the saying, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.” We don’t know much about horses, but we can say the analogy is true when it comes to wellness. We could come up with the best plan in the world, but it doesn’t mean anyone will participate.
This is why we encourage employers to play the “long game”. Again, we don’t know much about horses, but we are guessing at some point in time it will become thirsty enough to find the water and take a drink. The same philosophy holds true in the organizations we work with. Playing the long game means consistently communicating the wellness message and committing to do so over the long term. One of the best ways to foster participation is by sharing the stories, and highlighting the successes of employees. This not only communicates that wellness works, it also recognizes a commitment on behalf of the company to support and celebrate alongside its’ people. Play the long game. Trust us, it’s worth it.